Back To Court
I’ve recently been trying to close Richard’s checking account. I know I should have done this a long time ago, but you just can’t rush some things. I would have just kept on waiting but Chase forced me into it because they started charging a “service fee” on the account. In a couple of more…
Time to Amend FMLA
How long do you need off work after your child dies? I’m sure this is different for everyone. Grieving is like that. But I’m also sure the 2 or 3 days many employers allow isn’t near enough. A Plan For Change Kelly Farley of The Grieving Dads Project just sent out this email: Dear Friends…
Last 1040
April 15th. Tax day. Doing my taxes has never been one of my favorite things. Probably not yours either. Just seeing all that money that was taken away from us, and knowing it was just the tip of the iceberg with all the other taxes we pay on a day-t0-day basis, I usually end up in…
A Final Accounting
As the court appointed administrator for Richard’s estate I have to provide the court an inventory of his estate. First off, it strikes me as funny the very notion of Richard having an estate. When I think of estates, I think about houses, farms, money, cars. Richard did have a small mutual fund account. And…
A Day in Court
Yesterday I got to go to court. In order to get access to Richard’s bank account and his mutual fund, I have to be the administrator of his estate. I won’t go into how strange it sounds to talk about Richard’s estate – when he owed more than he owned. The lawyers call this an…